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News Archive: 2020

The IFRS Foundation has requested views on the IASB’s discussion paper.  UKSA and ShareSoc provided a joint response on the 31st December 2020. Disclosures Our views are that we:

UKSA and ShareSoc Policy Directors tell FCA they should not delay the implementation of ESEF

Continuing a process initiated last year at UKSA's request, the FRC held five “Lifting the lid on the FRC 2020” virtual meetings on consecutive afternoons to discuss issues of concern to private investors. 

We recently worked with Business and Industry on the 2020 Money Management campaign. A printed publication was enclosed within every copy of the Guardian newspaper on 15 September 2020 and the content is available online at and

Capital Gains Tax and Stamp Duty The Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) has recently been consulting on Capital Gains Tax and Stamp Duty. UKSA and ShareSoc have submitted joint responses to each of these consultations. Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Our view is that CGT:

UKSA and ShareSoc have jointly responded to a consultation from HM Treasury on proposals for revised procedures for approving financial promotions by individuals and firms that are not authorised by the FCA.

The submission stressed the enormous importance of the enquiry "in ensuring that much needed and meaningful change is achieved within audit, both as a service to users and as improvements to the profession". It made proposals within six key themes:

UKSA and ShareSoc have responded to the IASB’s consultation on “ED General Presentation and Disclosures”, part of their Primary Financial Statements project and focusing on proposed changes to mainly the statement of profit or loss, leaving statements of cash flows and balance sheets to later stages.

We regret to inform members that due to the continuing Covid19 situation we have had to cancel the planned AGM-style social event scheduled for 26 October. 

The Financial Times and other outlets are reporting that Unilever could have to reverse its decision to relocate from Rotterdam to the UK if a political intitiative calling for the introduction of an exit tax in the Netherlands succeds. 

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