The Policy Team members listed alphabetically
Please contact Ian Brindley, Head of Policy, at if you would like to join the team.
Mohammed Amin MBE FRSA MA FCA AMCT CTA (Fellow) was a PricewaterhouseCoopers tax partner before retirement. He regularly writes, speaks, and appears in the media on politics, religion, Israel & Palestine, as well as finance and other subjects. His personal website is | |
Ian Brindley spent much of his career in environmental regulation. His experience includes leading formal consultations related to environmental policy and regulatory charges. He spent seven years as a trustee of his employer’s £4bn occupational pension fund. He is a strong advocate for shareholder rights and active engagement by shareholders with their investee companies. Ian is UKSA's Head of Policy. | |
Dean Buckner is a former derivatives trader for a hedge fund, followed by a career in market risk management, ending with a spell in regulation at the FSA then the PRA and the Bank of England. Now retired, he is working with Professor Kevin Dowd (Durham University) on a simplified derivation of the famous Black Scholes formula. Dean is a director of UKSA and a former Head of Policy. | |
Charles Henderson is a chartered accountant, a member of the FRC’s Advisory Panel, an annual report review associate of Falcon Windsor, a member of the Pre-emption Group, a CRUF UK participant, CRUF ESG subgroup co-chairman and a member of BEIS Audit Contact Group. He is a former member of the FRC’s Audit Quality Review Committee and was a senior executive of Invesco for 25 years. | |
John Hunter has had an international career in financial management and analysis with a global FTSE100 company. He most recently served as company secretary. In that role he was always heavily involved in, and briefly responsible for, investor relations. He was a pension fund trustee for 25 years and was the original author of UKSA's financial learning website HonestMoneyNow. | |
Sue Milton has worked in the financial sector including as adviser on central bank governance at the Bank of England and as the operational strategy manager at CLS Services, part of a New York-based wholesale bank, set up to remove settlement risk in the FX markets. Sue runs her own business, providing governance and IT advisory services globally. | |
Paul Moxey is a chartered accountant. He had various roles in financial management, corporate governance and risk management. He was Visiting Professor in Corporate Governance at London Southbank University, a corporate governance consultant and wrote a Governance and Risk textbook for the Governance Institute (ICSA). For 13 years he was ACCA’s Corporate Governance and Risk Management expert, led research, including on corporate culture, served on various technical committees and wrote extensively including technical policy responses. | |
Peter Parry is a former business manager and management consultant. As a manager he worked in the UK, South America and continental Europe. For the last fifteen years of his career he ran his own consultancy business specialising in purchasing and supply chain management. He is a CRUF UK participant and a regular contributor to projects run by the FRC’s Reporting Lab. | |
Martin White is a general insurance actuary, having spent some time earlier in his career in a unit-linked fund manager and life insurer, followed by a period in pensions. A member of the original team that set up UKSA, his big passion is to change the balance of power between the financial sector and its customers in favour of its customers, through the power of transparency. He is a member of the Transparency Task Force advisory panel. |