CREST Settlement - Euroclear UK; International - Euroclear: the CREST system is
owned by Euroclear. The system provides Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) settlement with
simultaneous transfer of securities to the buyer and cash payment to the seller.
CRUF Welcome to CRUF | The Corporate Reporting Users' Forum: The Corporate Reporting Users’ Forum, allows its global membership to learn about and respond to the many accounting and regulatory changes affecting corporate reporting.
CRUF ESG (no separate website): the Corporate Reporting Users’ Forum’s sub group that focuses on environmental, social and governance issues.
DBT Department for Business and Trade: The department for economic growth. Supports businesses to invest, grow and export, creating jobs and opportunities across the country. DBT is a ministerial department, supported by 19 agencies and public bodies.
ESG: environmental, social and governance is a generic term used in capital markets. used by investors to evaluate corporate behaviour to determine the future financial performance of companies.”
EFRAG Home - EFRAG: the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group is a private association serving the European public interest in both financial reporting and sustainability reporting by developing and promoting European views in the field of corporate reporting and by developing draft European Union Sustainability Reporting Standards.
Euroclear About us - Euroclear: is a global provider of Financial Market Infrastructure (FMI)
services, settling domestic and cross-border securities. It runs the CREST system.
FCA Financial Conduct Authority | FCA: the Financial Conduct Authority is the conduct regulator for 51,000 financial services firms and financial markets in the UK.
FRC Home | Financial Reporting Council ( the Financial Reporting Council an independent regulator in the UK and Ireland, responsible for regulating auditors, accountants and actuaries, and setting the UK's Corporate Governance and Stewardship Codes.
FRC Lab Financial Reporting Lab | Financial Reporting Council ( the Financial Reporting Council’s lab provides an environment where investors and companies can come together to develop pragmatic solutions to today’s reporting needs.
IAASB IAASB | IFAC: International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, an independent standard-setting body that sets international standards for auditing, quality control, review, other assurance, and related services.
IASB IFRS - International Accounting Standards Board: the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is an independent, private-sector body that develops and approves International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). The IASB operates under the oversight of the IFRS Foundation.
ICAEW Welcome to | ICAEW: Institute of Accountants England and Wales promotes inclusivity, diversity and fairness in accountancy, and supervises over 12,000 firms, holding them, and all ICAEW members and students, to the highest standards of professional competency and conduct.
IAS: International accounting standards.
IFRS : International Financial Reporting Standards setting common principles to make financial statements consistent, transparent and comparable around the world where they have been adopted/endorsed. IAS and IFRS accounting standards are issued by the IASB and IFRS sustainability standards are issued by the ISSB.
IFRS Foundation IFRS - Home and IFRS - Who we are: The IFRS Foundation is a not-for-profit international organisation responsible for the IASB and ISSB and developing the standards referred to as IFRS (or IAS).
Investor Meet Investor Meet Company - Home: directly connects individual investors to any
UK listed company, providing them the same access to management as Institutional
ISSB IFRS - International Sustainability Standards Board: the International Sustainability Standards Board is being established by the IFRS Foundation to provide ESG-related standards that are consistent, transparent, and comparable around the world.
HMT About us - HM Treasury - GOV.UK ( Her Majesty’s Treasury is the government’s economic and finance ministry controlling public spending and setting the direction of the UK’s economic policy.
PEG Pre-Emption Group | Financial Reporting Council ( Pre-emption Group helps companies understand investor expectations regarding pre-emption activities and provides guidance on the factors to be taken into account by companies and investors when considering the case for disapplying pre-emption rights.
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission | USAGov: the Securities and Exchange Commission is a US regulator set up to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitates capital formation.
SIG (Stakeholder Insight Group) Stakeholder Insight Group | Financial Reporting Council ( a new cross-stakeholder panel, hosted by the FRC, that represents preparers, investors, audit committee chairs and other key parts of our stakeholder universe including reporting framework owners and civil society groups.
TEA Inclusive Investor Engagement | The Engagement Appeal ( The Engagement Appeal is a platform for inclusive investor relations. It aims to align the interests of retail investors with those of the corporates and bring them both together.
TPR Workplace pensions law - auto enrolment | The Pensions Regulator: The Pension Regulator protects the UK’s workplace pensions by ensuring employers, trustees, pension specialists and business advisers can fulfil their duties to scheme members.
TTF Transparency Task Force – Driving up levels of transparency in Financial Services, right around the world.: Transparency Task Force, a not-for profit company with the sole purpose of driving positive, progressive and purposeful reform of the financial sector so that it serves society better.
UKEB Welcome to the UK Endorsement homepage | UK Endorsement Board ( UK Endorsement Board influences, endorses and adopts new or amended international accounting standards issued by the IASB for use by UK companies.