Better Finance
Better Finance, based in Brussels, is the European Federation of Investors and Financial Services Users. It acts as an independent financial expertise centre for the direct benefit of users of financial services. UKSA is affiliated with Better Finance.
FutureValue specialises in assessing companies and their standards of corporate governance based on the contents of their corporate reporting. Ian McDonald Wood is FutureValue’s Research and Consulting Director.
The Corporate Reporting Users Forum (The CRUF) is a global association, open to investors to join for free, enabling investors to contribute to corporate reporting debates with a wide variety of standard setters and regulators. Three Policy Team members participate on a regular basis and recently co-authored and signed CRUF’s response to the IFRS Foundation's consultation on sustainability reporting. Key points made are:
- Support for the IFRS Foundation for addressing the issue of sustainability reporting standards;
- The need for the standardisation of sustainability information disclosed by companies;
- That the IFRS Standards can provide a perfect role model for sustainability reporting standards;
- That the IFRS Foundation is a suitable body that could oversee the SSB as they develop sustainability reporting standards, due to their existing relationships with policymakers and regulators and their experience in overseeing the work of a standard-setting board.
The Transparency Task Force
The Transparency Task Force is a campaigning community dedicated to driving up levels of transparency in financial services around the world. The organisation is headed by Andy Agathangelou.