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IASB’s Discussion Paper on Business Combinations – Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment (DP/2020/1)

The IFRS Foundation has requested views on the IASB’s discussion paper.  UKSA and ShareSoc provided a joint response on the 31st December 2020.

  1. Disclosures

Our views are that we:

  • Support the Board’s overall objective of enhancing disclosure on acquisitions and their subsequent performance. Current disclosure is extremely unsatisfactory.
  • Agree with the modifications and qualifications set out in this letter.
  • Argue for a need to keep cumulative and separate goodwill and impairment disclosures for each acquisition.


  1. Goodwill and Impairment

Our views are we:

  • Do not regard testing goodwill for impairment as either robust or desirable.
  • Concur with the Board’s opposition to the reintroduction of goodwill amortisation. 
  • Do not see any need to require companies to report total equity excluding goodwill as this number is easy to derive if required. 
  • Regard separate classifications of all intangibles as useful and, as a minimum, we would like to see separate disclosure of internally generated intangible assets and those created during the acquisition consolidation process.

A copy of our full submission to the IFRS can be found here and the consultation documentation here IASB publishes discussion paper on goodwill and impairment ( .

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