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Scammers continue to contact Northern Rock shareholders

Beware of an increasing number of scammers contacting Northern Rock shareholders.

The firms state they are financial services, consultancy services and legal organisations. They require their targets to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Some are saying that they are doing this on behalf of Virgin Money UK. 

Sue Milton, External Relations Director, has contacted Virgin Money, the bank that bought Northern Rock in January 2012.  Virgin Money has confirmed they are not doing anything with Northern Rock and these firms are not acting on behalf of Virgin Money.

FRC draft budget and plan 2024-25 – any good?

UKSA expresses its disappointment in the government’s dismal performance on restoring trust in audit and governance in its response to the FRC’s draft budget and plan 2024-25 for consultation.

The FRC published its draft budget and plan 2024-25 for consultation on 15th December 2023 and we responded on 22nd January 2024.

We made four points:

Attention all Northern Rock shareholders

We are aware that many Northern Rock shareholders are being targeted via scams to purchase their shares. The scammers are very good at mimicking genuine companies to gain your trust. You can read more about this type of scam on the FCA website here

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