Recent news
Whatever you think of audits and their quality, unless audit firms produce and report audit quality indicators, audit quality will not improve.
At the end of June 2022, the FRC issued a consultation on firm level audit quality indicators (AQIs).
Members of UKSA have contributed to the new guidance for listed companies to enhance effective shareholder participation when planning and conducting AGMs.
The HM Treasury consultation document on Solvency II proposes reducing capital buffers to encourage insurance companies to invest in assets that the Government considers desirable.
UKSA’s response (here) explains that UKSA is seriously concerned by the proposals.
The FCA’s response is helpful on explaining the process, guidelines and expectations (good!) but thin on addressing our specific questions (not good!).
The FCA’s response to UKSA’s letter is here.
Advisers who act as salesmen for financial firms should be banned from offering advice on defined benefit pension transfers.
The 24 April paper edition of the Sunday Times continues to follow the outrageous treatment of UKSA members Julie and Chris Thorpe.
There are many conventional ways of raising Working Capital. Why, therefore, do companies use reverse factoring?
Maybe reverse factoring is used because other credit lines are not available to them. Is it a red flag moment?
Reverse factoring has been a convenient way of hiding and disguising these problems – as was seen with…
Patrick Hosking reports in the Times: ‘Ministers are rowing back from a radical plan to encourage pension funds to invest in unlisted assets after getting a mixed response from the investment industry and an emphatic thumbs-down from consumer groups.’
The FCA’s goals to achieve the best possible outcomes for consumers are laudable.
UKEB are assessing IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts for adoption in the UK under its endorsement criteria implemented on exiting the EU. While insurance companies desperately need accounting standards to stop them flattering their accounts, UKSA and ShareSoc are not convinced that IFRS 17 meets UKEB’s endorsement criteria.
The FCA has published this alert at London Capital and Finance plc | FCA.
The FCA warns that some investors have received unsolicited calls, emails and other correspondence seemingly to be from, or be assisting, the LCF administrators. The communications claim to be about dividend payments or compensation on investments.