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"Lifting the lid" on the FRC - UKSA members will be attending a private meeting with the FRC on Tuesday 21st November 2017

Who audits the auditors? The Financial Reporting Council is the organisation responsible for overseeing the quality of audit work carried out by auditor. As such it plays a crucial role in helping to protect your wealth. This is a unique opportunity for members only for a direct dialogue with the FRC. The FRC, for their part, are keen to hear the views of serious individual investors.

This event will be of interest to all active investors, not just retired accountants and actuaries. It will give you the chance to give your views on areas where change is needed and to interact with senior members of the FRC. It will be led by Tracy Vegro, Executive Director of Strategy at the FRC. Topics to be covered include:

• The structure and remit of the FRC;
• Improving standards of corporate reporting for investors;
• Maintaining audit standards – audit reviews, standards setting and enforcement;
• Stewardship and governance - holding directors, companies and auditors to account;
• Changes and trends in auditing.

The detailed agenda can be found by clicking here

This event "Lifting the lid" on the FRC – An Event for Retail Shareholders is for UKSA/ShareSoc members and will be held on 21st Nov 2017, 2pm - 5pm at the FRC office, 125 London Wall, London.

To register and reserve your place at the event please email the office via

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